A continuació escoltarem a diferents companys de 4t de primària recitant els embarbussaments proposats per al dia del joc.




Diego F.




Els alumnes 4t de Primària estan llegint, cantant i acompanyant amb alguns instruments aquest meravellós arranjament a dues veus d’una cançó de bressol popular d’Alacant, Dorm-te bon infant.

L’arranjament el va escriure el músic i mestre Diego Ramón i Lluch en el seu llibre Bicinia Hispànica.

Encara falten més alumnes per a completar la interpretació, però ja podeu gaudir del resultat obtingut per alguns d’ells.

Enhorabona pel vostre esforç !


Today I have done a experiment with my mother about chemistry.

1º.- Place the ph paper on the circles on the sheet. Then, test the listed products by putting a drop of each on the ph paper using the dropper.

2º.- Compare the colour the color of the mark on the ph paper with the ph scale.

The more acid the liquid is the redder the marks it leaves. Vinegar has a ph of 2; it is very acid. So are lemon juice and fanta, which I also tasted. Water leaves a green trace, it has a ph of 7, which is a neutral ph , as does washing-up liquid.



The Mandalorian is a new series of Star Wars. This series is made as western 

movie. The characters are  The Mandolarian and a kid who is like a baby yoda.

The series is about the life of a bounty hunter. The Mandalorian saves the kid’s 

life because the remains of empire want the kid and has ordered searching him.

I have liked it very much and I am waiting the next season.
